With Friends Like These 17: Discomfort and Big Plans

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The morning after Mireille’s park performance, Brook wakes up “on the wrong side of the bed.” And far too early. It’s only 5 in the morning, but she’s already feeling restless and neurotic.

She wonders which particular side of her situation is responsible.

Is it because she’s on the run for her life from someone who should’ve been taking care of her?


Because she wakes up and goes to sleep in the house belonging to her favorite singer? In itself, something that would’ve made anyone ecstatic, but now only makes her feel awkward and displaced.

Is it because she isn’t sure how to feel about the kiss with Terrence?

Or is it because she’s just plain homesick?

Brook: And on top of it all, I’m supposed to be attending high school and acting like everything’s peachy.


After a light breakfast, she finds herself engrossed in the book that Laurel packed for her. She’s been recommending her this series since she knew Brook liked to read, but the later never seemed to have enough time to sit down and enjoy the novel. As she reads on, she feels herself that much closer to her friend.

A slight wind blows a few strands of hair back from her face. The ocean, even in the morning, is glimmering with the lights of the rising sun and for a moment, Brook starts to think that everything might just be ok in the end.

After all, Lawrence did promise that his friend will investigate Sandra and find a way for her to get independence from the woman. And he’s had enough run-ins with the law, so he would know.


It’s almost time for school, so she heads inside, where Josephine is struggling to scratch at a hard to reach spot for cats. Brook is only too happy to help out with that matter.

As the spoiled kitty purrs, Brook chuckles. Even spoiled haughty cats had a way to light up someone’s day.


Yes, she has decided. She’ll find Terrence after school and talk with him. After all, part of how she was feeling today was his fault. She needed to find out if he really had some sort of feelings for her or if he was just being his usual eccentric self. That much, she could do today. The rest – outside of her powers.



The other two wake up after Brook is gone. Mireille is out of sorts too, since she doesn’t think she performed too well the night before. Also, she’s concerned over the current situation.

Mireille: So, has there been any news from your detective friend? I mean, you’d tell us, right?

Lawrence chuckles.

– Of course I will. But no, Reid’s only been there for two days. I doubt he had much luck getting the scoop yet, unless he got super lucky.

Mireille: Do you think he’ll find something out? I mean, if Sandra is up to something illicit, she might be careful.


Lawrence: So careful that she was caught discussing a murder plan right in plain sight and hearing of anyone nearby?

Mireille: Hmm, fair enough. But how much can that give us? Even if we know she’s breaking the law?

Lawrence: If you’re talking about laws concerning how evidence is gathered and whether it’s admissible in court, you’re right, those differ state-by-state. But, at the very least, we’ll know what we’re dealing with.

Mireille: Better than nothing, I suppose.

Lawrence: What are your plans for the day?

Mireille: Not much. I don’t have another performance until the day after tomorrow.

Lawrence: Then what are we doing here? Let me show you some Starlight Shores.


– Aren’t you worried about being spotted just hanging out in the city by the paparazzi? Especially with a woman?

Mireille’s question makes him chuckle.

– Not at all. The last time someone tried to take a picture of me when I didn’t want them to, they ended up with a broken camera and my lawyer received a nice bonus. But it’s been a few years ago – they mostly leave me alone these days. Besides, this is Starlight Shores. Believe it or not, there are plenty of famous people here with much more difficult personalities than mine.

Mireille: Oh, you’re not difficult. A difficult person wouldn’t be helping Brook out.


Lawrence: How do you know I’m not just doing it to make myself look good in the papers? After it’s all done and resolved, there’s bound to be media interest and a rough punk needs to do some good deeds for the community after all.

Mireille: The same “rough punk” who broke a pap’s camera? I don’t think so.

She sobers up.

– Also, we don’t know if it’s all going to be resolved soon.

Lawrence shudders.

– I hope it will be. I’d hate for something bad to happen to that girl after all this effort. She’s a good kid.


Mireille: I know what you mean. This whole situation’s been making me sick from the start. It’s bad enough the bitch was a neglectful guardian, but murder?

Lawrence: Yeah, some people take all the Worst Ever awards there are.

Mireille: I can’t understand how she became a guardian in the first place. Brook’s parents couldn’t have been so blind – why did they appoint her of all the people?


Lawrence: Who knows? Maybe she was nicer when they knew her. People can change in the worst ways.

Mireille: Or they just hide their true colors really well until everything bubbles up to surface.

Lawrence: Spoken from experience?

Mireille: You could say that…

He’s about to ask her more when his phone rings with a familiar number. It’s Reid. Perhaps he got lucky, after all!


Lawrence: Hey, man. Any news? What’s happening in Riverview?

Upon hearing “Riverview”, Mireille cheers up. Perhaps this is the answer they’ve been waiting for. As she watches Law, her mood drops to match his.

Reid, on the phone: So, I’ve sent you an audio file last night. Did you get a chance to listen to it yet?

Law: Not yet, I didn’t realize I got one.

Reid: Yeah, it was pretty late at night. To make a long story short…

The detective fills his friend in on all the latest developments.

Reid: So, here’s the situation. This is a serious guy we’re talking about. You all be careful while I continue to tail him.


Lawrence: You said they were aware Brook was no longer enrolled in the Riverview school. Good thing the local one has good cyber security.

Reid: They do, Law. But you know, hackers are a thing…

Lawrence: Gotcha, we should be more careful.

Reid: And one more thing – do I have permission to bring Bridgeport PD in on this? After they get a drop of this story, they’ll be of great help.

Lawrence: You know what? Go for it. Your judgement is better in these matters. And please, be careful.

Reid: Oh, I will, don’t worry.


After hanging up, he turns to Mireille.

– Well, there’s good news and bad news, what would you like to hear first?

Mireille: The good news, I guess?

Lawrence: Reid got a whole lot of info on Sandra and her man. And they are up to their necks in all of their illegal activities. It’s way more than just money laundering.

Mireille: I hear a “but” coming…

Lawrence: … but it’s mob stuff. Apparently, Sandra’s man is none other than Seb Delaney, Bridgeport’s finest criminal.


Mireille: Shiiit…

Lawrence: And he is definitely more capable than Sandra, with her tendency to blab. And he’s got good lawyers too. Bridgeport PD hates the guy because he’s so smarmy.

Mireille: Double shit.

Lawrence: But there’s more good news – because of the above facts, Bridgeport PD will be ecstatic to learn what good old Seb is up to. Especially once they learn he’s helping Sandra in her scheme against a minor. And through them, Starlight Shores PD as well.


As they sit in the shade and mull over everything, Mireille wonders.

– If he’s so terrible, why didn’t BPD get him for so long? There are some things even a good lawyer can’t make go away.

Lawrence: Well… I’ve been thinking about it, too. Maybe the guy’s just lucky. Maybe the cops are scared of him. Maybe the BPD isn’t completely clean.

Mireille gives him an understanding look.

Lawrence: I mean, if you’re up to your neck in illicit activities, it’s useful to have someone in your pay on the local police force. Someone who can get rid of evidence and help things go smoothly.

Mireille: An informant?

Lawrence: I see where you’re going.

Mireille: Is it safe for Reid to bring the BPD in, then?

Lawrence pauses.

– I don’t know. Fuck, I’m a musician, I’m out of my depth here, too.

Mireille: I know… I feel like I need a drink.

Lawrence: Same. Come on, there’s a place.


After a short walk, they find themselves inside a local establishment where, after seeing their moody faces, the bartender serves up their mules extra quickly.

After the alcohol hits the spot, Mireille wonders:

– You know what I don’t get? Why is that Seb guy with Sandra?

Lawrence: Why wouldn’t he be?

Mireille: Well, you know what I mean. She had one job in this situation – to get Brook in that car and arrange the accident. She messed it up by running her mouth where she shouldn’t have. AKA, she’s not careful and a person like that is a liability, especially when you’re running a mob.

Lawrence: How do you know all that.

She chuckles.

– My cousins and I used to watch a lot of crime shows and films growing up. If it had murders and crime bosses, we’ve probably watched it. But even if I didn’t, it’s common sense. I can’t really see the appeal of that woman to someone like Seb Delaney.

Lawrence: Do you know what she looks like?

Mireille: Well, no. Or what he looks like, for that matter. But if he was able to avoid the BPD for such a long time and succeed in the crime world, he can’t be stupid. And that woman seems too over the place for someone like him.

Lawrence: Relationships are weird sometimes. Everyone’s looking for something.

He smiles, a hunch appearing in his head.

Lawrence: Maybe that’s why he’s with her? Because he enjoys being near someone who makes him feel smarter and more important?


– Now that’s an interesting idea!

Mireille exclaims.

– Hey, that gets us somewhere – we’re doing, what do they call it, we’re creating the guy’s psychological portrait!

Lawrence: That’s true. Although, we should probably look up his real portrait, too.

A few clicks on the phone bring up the man’s image.


Mireille: Somehow, I pictured him older.

Lawrence: Looks pretty cutthroat to me.

Mireille: Ay, everyone’s big and scary until someone bigger and scarier comes along.

She smiles with satisfaction as the idea comes to her.

Lawrence: I hope you don’t think I’m scarier than him. Sure, I’ve been in plenty of fights and scandals, but getting into it with other musicians and the paparazzi is one thing. The mob is something a sane person wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.

Mireille: No. You know what’s scarier than the mob?

Lawrence: What?

Mireille: Publicity. Lots and lots of unwanted publicity.


Lawrence: Yeah, publicity would certainly be bad for a mob boss. But he seems fairly good at staying out of the spotlight. When I looked up his photo, there wasn’t anything in the search results that could’ve implied he’s anything less than an upstanding citizen.

Mireille: Exactly. I bet he has people working for him who keep his image clean…. means he’s probably scared of being embroiled in a public scandal.

Lawrence: So, you’re saying that to be taken down, he needs to be embroiled in a big enough scandal. You know, it’s a good idea. When everyone is up in a frenzy with knowledge of his misdeeds, it would be harder for the guy to get rid of evidence and walk away clean. But how would that help Brook? Say, we create a big scandal involving Seb Delaney and his lady of hearts, and then, enraged, they still come after Brook. Not because of money, but because they want revenge.

Mireille: Well… maybe Seb isn’t the only one who should have a big encounter with publicity.


As soon as Brook got out of school, she made a beeline for the coffee shop. She wanted to talk with Terrence and have that concern gone from her mind.

However, when she arrived there, he was nowhere to be found.

– Hi girls, is Terrence going to be here anytime soon?

Kayla: Not today. Poor guy got roped into helping the uni organize an upcoming exhibition.

Holly: Can you imagine that? I bet he’s on his fifth cup of coffee already.

Kayla: Seventh!

Well, that’s a bummer, thinks Brook. But maybe she can ask the girls for help with some of what’s bothering her?


– Is everything alright, hon? You look stressed out to the max.

Holly’s question prompts her to think the girl can read minds.

Brook: I’m mostly ok. Things are just sort of hectic and nerve-wracking at the moment.

Holly: You been sleeping ok? Not that you look bad,  it can just mess with someone if they don’t.


Kayla: She’s right. Here, let me make something for you. On the house.

After looking inside of the shelves and mixing teas, she hands her a steaming cup.

– All herbal, 100% proven to calm nerves. Peppermint, Lemongrass, and Ginseng. We test it every finals week on ourselves.

Holly: And if anything’s bothering you, you can tell us.


Since the shop is mostly empty, Holly has her laptop out, which Brook notices is just like Terrence’s, albeit with far fewer scratches. Even the guy’s laptop is hectic… She joins the older girl as she games, shouting at the on-screen characters, even though they can’t hear her.

– Fun game?

Holly giggles.

– I guess! My boyfriend downloaded it for me since I wanted to try it out.

Brook: Downloaded? Like, off the internet? Isn’t that illegal?


Kayla chuckles in the back.

– Oh, honey. That’s nothing compared to what actually happens in the academia.

Holly: Besides, Jake’s good at that stuff, he doesn’t download anything sketchy. It’s useful to have a tech-smart boyfriend.

Brook: Weird question, but how does one know dating is a good idea for them?


Holly: I guess, when you meet someone right. And when is someone right? Hmm, well, is the person in question hot? How do they treat you? Do you like them?

Kayla: Do you have feelings for that person? Do you see the two of you working out? I mean, we’ve got an entire genre of books dedicated to relationships. *points to the romance genre. I feel like it’s different for each person. Sorry, I feel like I’m of no help here. But really, when you meet that person, you know.

Holly: She’s right on the money, there.


Returning to the house, Brook is met with Mireille’s somber face.

Mireille: She’s here, Law!

Lawrence: Good, let’s talk.

Brook: Talk about what?

Mireille: We’ve got info from Riverview.



Brook: So, my parents didn’t willingly give that woman guardianship over me. Well, that’s good to know.

Mireille: Nope. All illegal on her part.

The girl breaths a sigh of relief. That was something that bothered her for a long time. But the rest…

Brook: I can’t believe she’s involved with the mob, though. I knew she wasn’t an upstanding citizen, but this just sounds way more serious.

Lawrence: It is.

He perches on the metallic table in front of her and continues:

– Reid told me a bit of what those people were involved in. I don’t want to scare you too much, but there’s good reason to be very careful.


Brook: But they don’t know I’m here, do they?


Mireille: No, but they know you’re not enrolled in you old high school. They are looking for you.

Brook: What!? Already?

The other two nod.

Brook: Great…


She stares at the ceiling, hoping the couch will swallow her whole. She was terrified when she overheard her guardian plotting to kill her. When Mireille and Lawrence brought here here, all the way to Starlight Shores, she began to relax, somewhat. Now, she starts thinking of all the things that can go wrong.

Lawrence and Mireille aren’t law enforcement. They don’t have any experience with protecting people. It isn’t even their job to protect her – she’s already imposing on them by being here. And now, she’s probably endangering them, as well!

Brook: I hate this.

Mireille: I know and that’s good. As long as you’re angry, you’re not giving up. I know we’re not, right Law?

Lawrence: That’s right. Mireille and I have been making plans.

Mireille: Scandalous and explosive plans.


Lawrence: We’ve just been talking about how your guardian’s boyfriend is very particular about keeping his public image clean – can’t be in the public eye while committing crimes, can he?

Mireille: So, we’re thinking that, if he’s embroiled in something serious, there won’t be a way for him to get away from the police.

Brook: Ok? And how can we make that happen? If the guy is so meticulous.

Lawrence: Well, Reid is still spying on them back in Riverview. He’s recording conversations, finding out what they are up to. And we’ve been talking about it – your Sandra has a tendency to blab, doesn’t she?

Brook nods.

– Yeah, she kind of does.

Mireille: Then, it’s a matter of time until she reveals something she shouldn’t!

Lawrence: As for your safety, we’ve been discussing that as well. Mireille mentioned that it might be a good idea for you to acquire some fame of your own.

Brook: Me!?

Mireille: Think about it. If these people are looking for you, they’re bound to find you eventually. And it’s much harder to do away with someone famous.

Brook: I need some air…


Outside, the cool ocean air starts to lift up the headache that’s been building up in her head for the duration of this day.

Her – famous. First of all, how? She didn’t have any skills that could turn someone into a star. Second of all, the idea of being in the spotlight feels overwhelming to her. Look at Law, she thought. He was famous and few people treated him like a normal person, even though he was a really swell guy. And third, being in the spotlight was the opposite of keeping safe! Sandra and Seb will instantly know where she was!

Throwing off her dress, she went into the water, which bit at her skin with icy teeth. Good, this was refreshing! This was just what she needed to calm down.

– Ey! Brook! Hold on!


Mireille shook her head. This was going to be harder than she thought. Strange, most teen girls dreamed of being famous. Of course, she had to luck out with one who feared fame. Or was there something else?

Stripping off her own clothes, she follows Brook into the water.


Catching up to the teen, she makes sure to swim ahead of her.

– Be careful. Swimming in the ocean isn’t like swimming in the river. Sometimes, there’s strong undertow and it can sweep you away, especially in the evenings. It can be dangerous to swim too far.

Brook sighs.

– I didn’t realize.


Mireille: So, wanna tell me what’s bugging you? Aside from the obvious.

Brook: Isn’t the obvious stuff enough? I’m 16. I’m supposed to be thinking of college, sneaking out of the house with friends to go party and get underage drunk, making out with classmates… Instead, I’m running from the mob. This is like something from a bad pulp crime novel.

Mireille: Do you want to be doing those things you’ve described?

Brook: … I don’t know. I just want to go home.

Mireille: In Riverview, with the Grisbys?


Brook nods. At least, she has always thought of them as family, even if they weren’t related. And Laurel was practically like a sister to her.

Mireille: And what were you planing to do once you were done with high school?

Brook can’t say anything. She didn’t really plan that far ahead. She knew she wanted to continue fishing and living quietly with or near people she loved.

Mireille: It sucks that this is happening to you, but if you want the future you’ve built for yourself in your mind, you’re going to have to shake of Sandra for good. And for that, you need weapons. And these days, fame is a very good weapon.

Brook laughs.

– What can I even do to be famous? It’s not like I have anything marketable going on.

Mireille: Don’t say no until you try. You might surprise yourself. Remember how you searched all over the town to find a missing cat? And how you practically blackmailed me to bring her back? Find that girl and bring her back. We need her right now.


To wake her up further, Mireille splashes at her.

Brook: Hey! What was that for?

Mireille: A wake up call!

Brook responds in kind.

– Now, we’re even!

Mireille laughs. The girl looks happier, which is what she was going for. The rest, they’ll figure out.

– Have you had enough swimming yet?

Brook: Yeah, I guess. It’s kind of cold.

Mireille: Good, let’s go.


As they make their way to the shore, Mireille asks:

– So, what happened between you and that Terrence guy last night?

Brook: Didn’t you and Law go home after the diner?

Mireille: Yeah, but I noticed how the kid was acting. He was like the human equivalent of the heart eyes emoji with you.

Brook: He kissed me.

Mireille: Oooh! Nice going, he’s cute.

Brook: I guess. He’s in college though… and he’s really eccentric.

Mireille: So, you don’t know if he meant it or if he was being his usual self?

Brook: How did you know?

Mireille: Woman’s intuition.


Mireille: Have you talked to him yet?

Brook: No. I was going to, but he wasn’t at the coffee shop.

Mireille: Well, text him! You’ll feel calmer when you get things off your chest.

She was right, Brook knew it.


Getting out the cheap burner phone she got for emergencies, she typed out a text to Terrence.

“Hey, it’s Brook.”

Before she could text more, the phone pinged with a reply from him.

“Brook! I wanted to text you all day and realized I didn’t have your number! How are you? Are you angry at me?”

“Did I make things awkward? I do that sometimes.”

“Do you not want to talk to me anymore?”

“So sorry… 😔😔😔😔😔”

Brook is instantly barraged with an inflow of texts from the guy. She laughs. Looks like he’s been feeling off all day too!

Brook: “It’s cool! The girls said you had a crazy day at uni, today.”

Terrence: “Understatement, major understatement. I’m still all ☕x ∞”

She laughs. Yeah, that sounds like him. But there’s one thing she still has to know.

Brook: “Aw, I’m sorry. But I need to ask. About yesterday. Did you mean it?”

Terrence: “The kiss? Yes. I did.”

Brook smiles. That’s all she wanted to know.

“I’ll see you soon, then. Have a good night.”



Still hyped up from his multiple cups of coffee and the good message from Brook, Terrence is unable to sleep.

Yes, he’ll write more! Or surf the internet! Or play a hundred games!

Typing away and almost mindlessly scrolling through pages, he barely notices most information. That is, until something catches his attention with a banger.

Terrence: Huh? What in the world…?


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