With Friends Like These 1: Teen Woes

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Note: Brook was made for me by my good friend LegendofSim.


It was another quiet day at the Grisby household. Brook and Laurel, back from their shopping trip to mall, were relaxing in their room. There was no homework to do and the girls were chatting about random things, enjoying their weekend.

Laurel: So, I convinced Dad to teach me to drive. How cool is that!

Brook: That’s great! Maybe, once you get a license, we can go to different places together. I mean, road trips!!!

Laurel: Yeah…

She sighed wistfully, looking away from her friend.


Brook: Hey, what’s up?

Laurel: I just wish you could stay with us permanently. I mean, Mom and Dad already adore you and you’re like a sister to me. They’d love to actually adopt you, I know.

Brook: Yeah, I wish I could stay with you guys too. But you know how it is.

Laurel: Yeah, your evil witch of a legal guardian would never sign over the custody rights.

Brook: Yep. Basically. But hey, I’ll be 18 eventually and then I would no longer have to do anything with her, right?


Laurel: What I don’t understand is, how did that woman gain custody rights in the first place? She’s like, the least qualified person to take care of a minor.

Brook: My parents named her my legal guardian in case of their demise, apparently. And when you have an orphaned 8-year old on your hands, and a ready legal guardian, there doesn’t seem to be any serious problem. They had no idea that she only likes the monetary side of taking care of me.

Laurel: That sucks. You know my parents know a couple of good lawyers. I’m sure they could convince them to take on your case, if you ever want to change her as your guardian. Or seek emancipation.


Brook: But what’s the point? I’m already 16. It’s only two more years, and then I’m a free bird! Besides, Sandra has good lawyers too. They’ve kept her out of hot water that one time she was under suspicion for laundering a little more than clothes in her laundromat. Even though there should’ve been enough evidence to put her behind bars.

Laurel: Oh…

Brooke: See? Meh, let’s not talk about Sandra! Let’s talk about better things. For example, that shirt looks great on you. I’m so glad I talked you into getting it.

Laurel: Thanks. And you’re rocking the eye shadow!


Brooke: I hope so. That makeup sales girl was very convincing in getting it on me. But OMG, Law Macabre releases his new album in only three weeks!!! It’s been like, two years since the last one.

Laurel: You’re really into that singer…

Brook: Well, he’s got a great voice!

Laurel: And abs, which he loves to reveal with those tanks, am I right?

Brook: And his eyes are just dreamy…

– Hello, girls! How was the shopping trip?


Brooke: It was fun, Mr. Grisby. By the way, thanks for letting me stay here this month.

Walter: Oh, you are very welcome, dear. With Sandra out of town, we couldn’t, in good faith, let you stay home all alone by yourself.

Laurel: We were just talking about Sandra and about how unfit of a guardian she is.

Walter: Well, ain’t that the truth?


Yvette: Good afternoon. Did someone say “Sandra” and “unfit” in the same sentence? That’s more than true.

Laurel: Why not let us try to challenge her rights, Brook?

Brook jumps down from her bed and explains:

– Because I’ve had enough of courtrooms for the time being. Like I said, it’s only two more years.

Laurel: Alright then, I guess.

Yvette: I’m going to make some pancakes. You two must be hungry.


While Yvette cooks, Walter sits the girls down for a chat.

Walter: So, this new school year is starting up and since you’re going to be juniors now, you really need to focus on your grades, if you want to go to college. Also, various extracurricular activities look good on applications, so keep that in mind.

Laurel: Dad, it’s cool. I’m already an honorary member of the art club and my comedy routine got me an award in last year’s talent show. I think I’m pretty much set with how things are going.

Walter: I know, but that’s no reason to relax. And what about you, Brook?

Brook: I’m already part of the Riverview Fishing Group. I have a plaque from them.

Walter: That’s good. But does it count as an extracurricular for school?


Laurel: It counts as community involvement, Dad. I checked. And I hear that knowledge of local fauna is very useful with several college majors – instant experience in her area of study, right?

Walter: I suppose that’s true! I suppose you are set then. Just keep up those grades and you are on your way to academic success.

Laurel: Of course we are, Dad.

Brook: And college is still two years away. A lot can change until then. We still have a lot of time to decide what we want to do after high school.

Walter: Just don’t lose focus, that’s all. Well, lunch is ready, by the smells of it!


After lunch, the girls help clear the table.

Brook: So, you should totally come fishing with me. The weather is amazing outside.

Laurel: I don’t know. You know how I get sunburnt super easily. I’d rather stay in. And Dad is giving me that driving lesson soon, so I’m going to stay back.

Brook: I’ll take a picture of all the big fish then!

Laurel: Sure thing. Are you going to fish with your earbuds in again, like the last time?


Brook: Why not?

Laurel: How do you hear anything?

Brook: I just do. Besides, fishing gets awfully quiet when there isn’t anyone to chat with. And it’s nice to hear your favorite songs at any time. And now I get to look forward to the new album release!

Laurel laughs.

– You’re hopeless. Go ahead then, while the daylight is still out.


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